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Tytuł pozycji:

Dydaktyka literatury i nowe media

Dydaktyka literatury i nowe media
Koziołek, Krystyna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Słowa kluczowe:
dydaktyka literatury
edukacja literacka
Uznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polska
Forma i typ:
Dostawca treści:
Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach
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Teaching literature undergoes not only changes within didactic methods and a set of canonic texts, but it is also a part of the communication technology development. The author of the article ponders upon the ways in which the status of the school reading changes, the situations in which the teacher uses such means as, for example, multimedia historical contexts, textual, musical and iconographic comments, musical soundtracks and video files available on-line, dictionaries, encyclopaedias, etc. The author asks the question if the “educational machines” facilitating the lesson allow the teachers and students to gain extra time for discussion and reflection. Is it not the case that the expansion of media in teaching is accompanied by shame and sense of guilt of the literary education institution that they are not modern enough whereas the literature itself has become an archaic medium, an old-fashioned machine of meanings, an old model of presentation?

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