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Tytuł pozycji:

Studium porównawcze nad kategorią semantyczno-słowotwórczą "Aktionsarten" w języku rosyjskim i polskim. T. 1, Czasowniki z formantami modyfikacyjnymi

Studium porównawcze nad kategorią semantyczno-słowotwórczą "Aktionsarten" w języku rosyjskim i polskim. T. 1, Czasowniki z formantami modyfikacyjnymi
Stawnicka, Jadwiga
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Słowa kluczowe:
aspekt (językoznawstwo)
język polski
gramatyka porównawcza
sufiksy i prefiksy
język rosyjski
Uznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polska
Forma i typ:
Dostawca treści:
Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach
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The aim of the present work is to describe the semantic-derivational category of Aktionsarten (types of verbal action) in Russian and Polish. The term «types of verbal action» subsumes semantic-derivational classes of verbs distinguished on the basis of modifications in the meanings of verb bases from the point of view of quantitative characteristics (sensu largo). The present book is the first part of a study devoted to the contrastive analysis of the semantic-derivational category of Aktionsarten in Slavonic languages. The second part, which focuses on the characterization of Polish textual equivalents of Russian types of verbal action, will make use of Russian literary texts and their translations into Polish. The analysis of textual equivalents will also be carried out in the opposite direction, i.e., Polish will be treated as the source language and Russian as the target language. The first part of the book investigates various means of expressing types of verbal action in contemporary Polish compared with the means of expressing action types in Polish. An attempt is made to indicate semantic differences between kinds of action which belong to the same type and to account for differences between Russian and Polish in the distribution of means of expressing types of verbal action. The semantic analysis carried out in this work shows that the similarity at the semantic plane is achieved in the two languages either by employing identical or distinct means of expression. The book consists of 3 chapters. The introduction explains a number of theoretical issues and concepts involved in clarifying the problems posed in this monograph. It deals with the issue of determining the border between the concepts of modification and mutation, and also with the topic of identifying types of action in the linguistic literature, and with the correlation between aspect and types of action. Description is given of parameters employed for classifying types of action in Russian and Polish. The folloving chapters are devoted to the characteristics of temporal types of action (Chapter I), types of action which express quantification of the measure of the extent of the action (Chapter II) and of iterative types of action (Chapter III) in Russian and Polish. In the final part a classification is offered of types of verbal action in Russian and Polish. A description is given of types of action expressed by polyprefixal verbs in Russian and Polish. Moreover, similarities and differences (both qualitative and quantitative ones) are discussed in the distribution of derivational formatives in Russian and Polish for particular types of action. The results of investigating the rich linguistic data may serve as a basis for identifying typological similarities and differences not only for the languages under analysis but for other Slavonic languages, and they may be employed for the purposes of language teaching and learning. Consequently, it is expedient to carry out further investigations on the comparison of types of action in Slavonic languages. Such investigations contribute profoundly to the development of Slavonic comparative aspectology since they aim toward a complete description of a system of actional meanings in Slavonic languages.

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