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Zdania stanowe z podmiotem lokatywnym w języku rosyjskim i polskim

Zdania stanowe z podmiotem lokatywnym w języku rosyjskim i polskim
Darda-Gramatyka, Joanna
Fontański, Henryk
Data publikacji:
Katowice : Uniwersytet Śląski
Słowa kluczowe:
Język rosyjski podmiot i orzeczenie
język rosyjski składnia
Językoznawstwo porównawcze
Język polski podmiot i orzeczenie
Forma i typ:
Dostawca treści:
Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach
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The thcsis is an attempt to describe sentences related to the state of place, freąuently occurring in contemporary Russian. The analysed linguistic materiał was taken from Russian texts representing the reproductive speech register and their Polish translations. In the process of the analysis of the chosen model contemporary linguistic theories were applied, in particular the basie ideas of Galina Aleksandrovna Zolotova’s theory. To obtain a better insight into specific elements of clauses related to the state of place, the thesis has been divided into: an introduction, five chapters and the summary. The introduction is devoted to Galina Zolotova. She has always been associated with another outstanding Russian philologist-Viktor Vinogradov. She was his student and later she wrote her PhD thcsis under his supervision. G. A. Zolotova is one of the few contemporary lmguists, who created a new direction in linguistics. According to her communicational grammar a speaker holds the central position and combines all meaningful units of a language. Main assumptions of Zolotova’s theory, referred to in the description of clauses referring to the state of place in my thesis place are as follows: 1. concept of the two-component sentences as a communication unit of the language; 2. concept of isosemism - non-isosemism; 3. concept of syntactic field of a sentence which combines not only the typical meaning and its isosemic expression, but also all structurallysemiotic modifications, synonymous and unfmished contextual realizations. Syntactic field of a sentence consists of the centre and the periphery. Zolotova is also connected with the notion of the speech registers. She distinguishcs five following registers: reproductive, informative, generative, voluntary and reactive. Chapter one is devoted to expression mcthods of a locative subject and defincs the subject. In locus sentences the subject cannot be identified with the speaker as it refers to the place in the objective world. In Russian, if the locative subject is present on the surface of a sentence, it is expressed through a locative syntactem or an adverb and holds the initial position in the sentence with a neutral word order. The research shows that the basie means of describing spatial relations, both in Russian and Polish, are locative adverbs and preposition-case forms of a noun. It is also common to „pass over the subject” in both languages, which makes using the cllipsc possible. Chapter two presents the model the locative subject and its State. Here, my research is focused on the clauses with the locativc subject referring to the physical space. The clauses present in texts of the reproductive speech register are divided here according to their structure and semantics and grouped in two basie models. The first model has two versions: isosemic and non-isosemic. Chapter three shows the classification of predicates found in clauses describing the state of place. On the basis of the preliminary analysis, they may be divided into three groups, taking into consideration the following criteria: 1. the structure of predicates, 2. the way they describe the state of place: describing a place directly or through the state of a preceptor, both types are analysed, 3. the way of reception of given states through senses of a preceptor, in this group predicates of perception and evaluation, among other, are to be found. Chapter four is devoted to various types of presupposition in the discussed model, because the problem of presupposition are of particular interest recently and play a crucial role in linguistics. Chapter 5 provides characteristics of other models of clauses with a locative subject, which have not been discussed in previous units. That the purpose was the description of the model of the locative subject and its state, presentation of the specific elements of the sentences and their functions, which influenced the structure of the thesis.

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