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Modernizacja, rozwój zależny, rozwój endogenny : socjologiczne studium teorii rozwoju społecznego

Modernizacja, rozwój zależny, rozwój endogenny : socjologiczne studium teorii rozwoju społecznego
Szczepański, Marek S.
Data publikacji:
Katowice : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Słowa kluczowe:
rozwój Trzeciego Świata
rozwój społeczny
zmiany społeczne
Uznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polska
Forma i typ:
Dostawca treści:
Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach
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For almost forty years now the participants of the international debate on social development and old-fashionedness have considered the problems of the non-European countries metaphorically called the Third World. One can even risk the thesis that gradually more and more place in the discussion is occupied by these countries and the vicissitudes of their societies. This phenomenon is not accidental because almost 75% of the globe population lives in the Third World and the developmental phenomena are most spectacular there. No wonder then that the old-fashionedness of Latin America, Asia and Africa is treated as one of the crucial global, or as some say, planetary or world problems. From the very beginning the possibilities of breaking the vicious circle of poverty and old-fashionedness have been first of all considered. It was in the intellectual circles that numerous and alternative conceptions concerning the methods of leaving the blind alley have been formulated. As a result of violent and full of emotions discussions many competitive theories, recipes and developmental programmes for the Third World have been formulated. The present study contains a critical analysis of three theoretico-methodological orientations attempting at interpreting and, to a certain extent at least, modernizing the processes of changes and social development in the underdeveloped countries. I write about the assumptions of the theory of modernization, theory of dependent development and theory, or rather conception, of endogenous (autonomous) development. This critical analysis is of dialectic character, i.e. it considers both the cognitive values of the succeeding paradigms and their weaknesses and shortcomings. Both of them are contained in each of these orientations, although some analytic studies present, due to the ideological entanglement of the authors, first of all the cognitive values of particular approaches or their weaknesses. I analyse in more details due to their particular attractiveness, the theories of dependence accepted by many Marxist and nearing Marxism examiners. The critical analysis of the three paradigms is the basis for conceptualising the new theoretical and methodological approach at the same time. It is the synthesis of the hitherto existing approaches and it allows, it seems, for fuller interpretations of the processes of change and development in the Third World. Temporarily, its essence can be presented in the follwing way. The processes of social development (sequences of social changes in Africa, Latin America and Asia) are the result of threefold influences: modernizing or connected with the diflussion of values, norms, technique and technology; endogenous, thus resulting from inner logic of the development of underdeveloped countries; these which are the consequence of dependent development or, as Theotonio dos Santos says, are the implications of „the situation of dependence”.This new approach which can be defined as „the concept of integral factors of social change and development” seems more adequate than the theories it originates from. It is the synthesis of the more important cognitive values of the three paradigms and it avoids, to some extent at least, the shortcomings and one-sidedness of each of the above theories. The essence of the concept of integral factors of change and development is shown in two mutually penetrating dimensions: theoretical and empirical. This concept will help to attempt and explanation of some socio-economic, political and cultural processes taking place in the underdeveloped countries, particularly in Black Africa. The logic and inner order of the study result from the already formulated tasks, character and aim of the work. The first part is devoted to the critical analysis of the existing theories of change and development. In the second part, in turn, of a more applique character, the concept of integral factors of change and development has been outlined .With its help I will attempt to explain the real processes of change and development in contemporary societies of the Third Wolrd.

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